GRUNT Data Entry

Add a GRUNT Data Entry.

By completing and submitting the form below you are adding an entry to the Grenadier User Network, GRUNT, which can be viewed in Google Earth.

This gives the Grenadier drivers an overview of the worldwide network of all Grenadier drivers who take part.


Enter your name, nickname or preferably your forums name.
member: You are an Ineos Grendier owner or driver and / or a member of

dealership: You want to enter an Ineos Grenadier dealer or a workshop for Ineos Grenadiers.

ineos auto: You want to enter an Ineos Automotive site.

Enter the geo location in the format lat,lon, e.g.: 12.12345,34.56789

NOTE: The best way to get the coordinates and to enter them here is to right-click the location in google maps and cut & paste the displayed numbers here.

If you get one or more negative numers this is OK if you have a location west of Greenwich and/or on the southern hemisphere.

IMPORTANT: No spaces allowed!

Optionally enter a note to be displayed with your name. You may e.g. add a telephone number or whatsoever.

Please keep the note short.

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